Arterial Safety Cannula

The Fannin Arterial Safety Cannula is designed for peripheral arterial access, providing continuous blood pressure monitoring and ongoing arterial blood sampling for gas analysis. It features advanced safety mechanisms that enhance patient safety by reducing the risk of arterial injury and minimising complications during catheterisation.


  • Suitable for arterial pressure monitoring and serial arterial blood gas determinations
  • Sharp atraumatic needle bevel helps the procedure with minimal patient discomfort
  • Specially designed ON-OFF switch prevents backflow and exposure of blood to healthcare professionals and provides safety from air embolism and contamination
  • Needle safety guard automatically covers the needle’s sharp bevel after withdrawal of needle from the hub, minimizing the risk of needle stick injury
  • Available with FEP/PUR catheter
  • Sizes: 20G & 22G

Watch our video to find out more about Arterial Safety Cannula.


Technical Details
Product code Description Size Unit per box Flow rate (mL/min) NHSSC code
13425 ArtCan Arterial Safety Cannula, PUR catheter 20G 25 49 FSP85890
13429 ArtCan Arterial Safety Cannula, PUR catheter 2 22G 25 28 FSQ3473

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